Benefits of reducing visceral fat

Benefits of reducing visceral fat


Benefits of reducing visceral fat around the "belly."

You may not have to limit yourself to a salad-only diet to lose belly fat or work out on a treadmill for hours.

 This is perfect information for those who want to know how to lose fat around the belly,

 but even if you wish, you can't spot reduce the fat in the area you want to reduce, including the area around the abdomen.

Doing crunches and abs training unnecessarily does not lead to a sustainable body. Rather, by improving your lifestyle and eating habits, you can expect to clear the area around your stomach.

Benefits of reducing visceral fat:

Reducing this visceral fat is now recommended in a variety of ways. This is because research has shown that excessive visceral fat, especially around the liver, stomach, and intestines, may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, so reducing visceral fat is a good idea.

Indeed, it may seem more attractive with thick arms and thick chests. But if your goal is long-term and overall health, you need to reprioritize your training. The fight against belly fat will be balanced by exercise, food choices, improved sleep, and a better understanding of the role of calories.

Types of fat around the belly

Not all fats are created equal. Unlike subcutaneous fat (a soft layer directly under the skin), excess fat around the waist is harmful to health. Abdominal fat (also known as visceral fat) is stored in the abdominal cavity and shares the same space as important organs such as the liver, stomach, kidneys, and intestines.

The fat around the belly is metabolically active, which means that it is like an organ in itself, but no one wants a transplant.

Various studies have reported that this fat is adept at expelling various inflammatory substances, interfering with hormones that regulate appetite, weight, mood, and brain function, and skyrocketing levels of cortisol, which causes stress. So it's no surprise that it's associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

So far, it has been all pessimistic, but there is good news.

Fat around your belly may be the most dangerous body fat, but it's also the easiest to get rid of because it's deep inside your body. But before we talk about that, you need to know about the causes of fat around your belly.

 scientific reasons why fat gets around the belly.

We all know that overeating and lack of exercise can cause frailty. However, in order to reduce belly fat, a simple calculation of "calories in and calories out" is not enough. For example, if you are exposed to certain stressors, small things can cause you to gain fat around your belly.

1. Taking trans fatty acids

If antioxidants are good at protecting gut health, trans fats are super bad. Trans fatty acids are said to not only increase fat, but also move fat from other parts of the body to the belly, putting meat on the waistline. According to a six-year study conducted at Wake Forest University in the United States, monkeys who consumed 6% of trans fatty acids had 8% more fat around their belly than monkeys that consumed 1% monounsaturated fatty acids.

Also, according to the British Dietetic Association, food manufacturers are not currently legally obliged to label trans fatty acids, so it is necessary to check the ingredient list of hydrogenated fats and oils and hydrogenated vegetable oils. The biggest reason is that they tend to eat "cakes, biscuits, ice cream, popcorn, pies, fried foods, fast food, takeout" as a reward for themselves.

2. Control your desires

Habits such as "I can't stop snacking" may be the cause of gaining weight without knowing it. 

A high-protein diet, for example, can help curb hunger. This is because macronutrients reduce the activity of the brain region that controls "desire".

2. Stressed out

It is also known that a sudden increase in the secretion of cortisol, also known as the "stress hormone", induces the secretion of insulin. This makes things go wrong.

At first, the "fight-or-flight response" will shut down your digestive system. Therefore, appetite and, realistically, being able to deal with "threats" such as presentations in the workplace. However, when we are relieved that these dangers have passed, we tend to induce appetite in our bodies in order to replenish the hundreds of calories burned so desperately in our presentations.

It can be said that the blood glucose level is very low due to insulin secretion, and the reward center is paralyzed due to cortisol secretion, which leads to choosing biscuits instead of fruit. To make matters worse, cortisol is irresistible because it is said to also promote the secretion of myostatin, a protein that acts on muscle cells and is said to prevent muscle cell growth.

3. Drinking too much alcohol

Does drinking too much beer really make you hungry?

Naturally, that's true. Alcohol changes to acetic acid in the body. Since this acetic acid cannot be stored in the body, it becomes the first source of energy, and it is said that proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids go around the digestive organs and are converted into fat.

If you consider the amount of alcohol contained in about 1 kilocalories per gram and the excessive calorie content of late-night snacks after drinking (the feeling of hunger after drinking has been scientifically proven), you can imagine that there is a rapid excess accumulation of fat.

Late-night snacks not only spike cortisol levels, but also deplete the male hormone testosterone, making it harder to build muscle and burn fat. 

4. There are many bad intestinal bacteria

Most of the bacteria that live in the intestines are quite useful. It has been found to produce hormones, regulate the immune system, digest food, extract nutrients, control mood, manage appetite, and much more.

It can be said that in the human intestine it is dominated by two groups of opportunistic fungi - the "Bacteroidetes Gate" and the "Firmicutes Gate". Opportunistic bacteria are bacteria that are quiet when healthy but work badly in the intestines when the body is weak (so to speak, it is the image of Hideaki Kaikawaka, the lord of Okayama Castle at the time of the Battle of Sekigahara). Studies have shown that obese people have fewer "Bacteroides" than lean people.

Another study collected the stool of 1300 twins and reported that people with less diversity of gut bacteria were more likely to have belly fat. Let's support intestinal activity and clear the area around the stomach.

Different way to lose your belly fat to see this post plz click here continue.  


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